Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Urban Peregrines

One of the peregrine chicks fledged from the City Center/Multifoods/33 S. 6th Street location recently paid a visit to the 11th floor of the Macy's building on Nicollet and 7th (thanks to Ike Whiting for sending the photos, and to our friends at Target who connected us to share this story.)  

From the leg bands on the bird, we can tell you that this bird was banded as a female on June 20 (see our blog story with photos of the chicks here.)  The urban population of peregrines has thrived since the restoration of the species (see the history here.)  

The concept of windows are often a challenge for all birds; glass is something that can be seen through, but cannot be flown through.  This bird appears to be navigating the office window in the photos.  We hope she continues to incorporate her understanding as she learns to live and hopefully thrive in her urban environment.

As most of our followers and friends know, the Midwest Peregrine Society is housed at The Raptor Center.  TRC staff provide leadership, technical advice and administrative support for the project, which includes 13 Midwest states and two Canadian provinces.  The history of the project, as well as a searchable database for the public to look up individual birds, sites and state information, is here.  We hope to have information from this current season into the database soon. 

We can all follow the story of peregrine falcons, in urban as well as cliff homes, through the advent of technology like nest cams.  The Midwest Peregrine Society and TRC are proud to continue the work of monitoring and educating the public on these magnificent birds and their success.

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